Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 13

Happy Monday!
Today is a busy day for us... we have W2's 5month check up and then W1 has a program at the library right after. And of course W2 was up a few times last night... because he always seems to wake often the night before a busy day. :::Yawn::: looks like it will be a coffee fueled day for me! And speaking of fuel, my lovely husband left the car on empty so we need to fill up before we start our busy day!

Enjoy your Byte 13! (PS will be leaving up byte 12 for a little while longer since I posted it late yesterday)

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Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for sharing...



Anonymous said...

Thank You! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I LIVE in the tropics, so these elements etc help me scrap everyday life!